Cryptohuge Scam Atau Legit? Ini Jawabannya

Ini Jawabannya Crypthuge Scam atau Legit!

So, di artikel sebelumnya dan juga di akun Youtube saya,,
Saya menunjukkan isu perihal apa itu Cryptohuge dan juga  cara bermain di Cryptohuge,

jujur,, dikala itu saya masih belum paham apa itu CryptoHuge dan apa itu uang Crypto dan kini saya sudah mulai sedikit paham dan ingin menunjukkan Review saya untuk Situs yang satu ini.
Situs Mining yang katanya sanggup memerikan kita $1000 dalam 3 bulan saja,, berdasarkan saya ialah SCAM!!

Berikut Video Review saya perihal Cryptohuge di Youtube:,,bila kalian lebih suka menonton video dibandingkan membaca..

Jadi bagi kalian yang sedang bermain Cryptohuge maka segeralah berhenti atau bagi kalian yang ingin mencoba Cryptohuge sebaiknya urungkan niat kalian.

Kenapa? Karena yang akan kalian dapatkan hanyalah cita-cita palsu dan juga waktu yang terbuang sia-sia..
Apa lantaran menyampaikan bahwa Cryptohuge ialah SCAM? Berikut sedikit review saya..

1. Saya sudah mencoba Withdraw tapi tidak dibayar artinya Cryptohuge SCAM. Kalian sanggup cek di Video Youtube saya berikut:
Video Hasil Withdrawal dan Review:

2. Nilai Bit Coin terus turun tapi hasil tambang Cryptohuge tetap stabil, tidak masuk logika tentu saja.
Nilai BitCoin Terus turun sampai 30 juta dalam 3 bulan

Penghasilan Cryptohuge tetap stabil walaupun harga BitCoin jatuh

3. Jumlah Mesin tambang yang sangat mahal dengan harga yang fantastis,, 5 MH/s sanggup sekitar 1,5 jt.. Tapi Cryptohuge sanggup mempunyai sampai 32GH/s.. Ini ialah mesin yang sangat super duper mahal tidak logis untuk disewakan secara Cuma-Cuma,, kenapa mereka tidak pakai sendiri saja untung meraup laba higienis 100%.

4. Rating rendah untuk situs Mining dari hanya 45 % alias tidak aman

5.  Cara Login yang terlalu simple untuk situs yang sanggup menunjukkan kita miliaran rupiah,, hanya dengan memakai akun Facebook kita sanggup login dengan mudah,, sangat tidak Aman.

Jadi,, berdasarkan saya  kesimpulannya,, Cryptohuge ialah Scam.. 

Stop bermain Cryptohuge,, !!!

Berikut Video Review saya perihal Cryptohuge:

19 Responses to "Cryptohuge Scam Atau Legit? Ini Jawabannya"

  1. Artikel ini benar-benar bohong! begitu juga komentarnya . Semua dibeli . Komentar Semua kiri pada saat yang sama .Ini benar-benar kacau. Proyek Cryptohuge membayar!

  2. Hi, everybody. I want to Express my opinion related to the project Cryptohuge. This project does not require investments. You earn here from the first day on a percentage of the server rental and all you need for this . This is to log in to the project in any convenient way for you and start making money right now. Also, you get a percentage of your friends . Which is cool . If you don't break the rules. Then you'll be fine.

  3. Good afternoon.I want to prove to you that the project Cryptohuge really pays . I have my own channel about the project where I upload video with payments from the project.If you go to YouTube and enter my name you will see a lot of video payments . Join my team and earn with me . More details you can find on my channel

  4. If a person does not want something - he is looking for a reason. And if he wants, he is looking for an opportunity. I was always looking for an opportunity to make money on the Internet. And Cryptohuge is the best I've found. I recommend this project to everyone. He is worthy of your attention.

  5. If you still think that money will fall to you from heaven, then I will disappoint you not. But I guarantee you that if you join my team, I will teach you how to earn money in the Cryptohuge project without investments.

  6. I am very glad that I once started earning money in this project. Thanks to my friends for advising me this project.

  7. I clearly like this project, it’s impossible to make money easier, but you can make money, I really like it, I went into passive income, and I’ll not stop there.

  8. I want to Express my opinion about the negative reviews. They are left by people who did not even try to understand this project . They did not even try to work in it and write that the project does not pay ,not even understanding how it works . And the Cryptohuge project really pays . After all, you earn on renting servers for mining cryptocurrency. And now this trend and many who has understood in this topic earn very good money. I earn $ 2000 a month and I am completely satisfied with this project.I'm very pleased .

  9. Guys ,earn 3 month ,yesterday came the first paying . Very happy with the project . Thought it was a Scam. But no PROJECT CRYPTOHUGE pays. I RECOMMEND TO ALL!

  10. One happy accident that changed my life

    I've been looking for a project on the Internet that pays for a long time . In most cases, it ended in deception and I was already disappointed . But fortunately, one day, at the moment when I already dropped my hands, I was introduced to the project Cryptohuge, which did not require any investment and many of my friends have already earned in this project .

    At that moment, my life changed forever...

    I began to earn on passive income and it changed my life dramatically.

  11. Hai, semuanya. Saya ingin mengungkapkan pendapat saya tentang proyek Kriptohuge. Saya akan mulai dengan fakta bahwa saya menyimpan blog saya di YouTube di mana saya menunjukkan video dengan pembayaran dari proyek Cryptohuge /blog saya disebut Kayas Glad . Jika orang lain meragukan bahwa proyek membayar, maka silakan datang dan melihat video saya di mana pembayaran saya dari proyek ditampilkan secara rinci .Bagaimana dengan ulasan negatif ,mereka akan selalu ,banyak orang yang menulis ulasan-ulasan ini bahkan belum mencoba pendapatan semacam ini dan lebih mudah untuk menulis ini adalah penipuan dan kemudian mengeluh betapa buruknya mereka hidup, dan bahwa semua kesalahan untuk segalanya, tetapi mereka tidak ... Jika kau tidak menyukai ini maka silahkan bergabung dengan timku dan ERN denganku Rincian pada saluran YouTube saya

  12. Situs yang bagus. Desain sederhana. Menemukan cara untuk membuat uang segera . Tidak ada kesulitan muncul ketika mendaftar yang diterima ke akun anda $ 100 dan segera mulai mendapatkan hari berikutnya menerima $ 2 untuk menyewa server . Kemudian disebut teman-teman . Dan juga untuk masing-masing menerima $ 20 . Secara keseluruhan sangat senang dengan proyek . Sarankan

  13. Surprisingly ,after 3 months of work in Cryptohuge I withdrew my first money . Namely $ 1500 . I can say that the project Cryptohuge not SCAM.

  14. Many are happy with this project. Including me . Earning on cryptocurrency is a new trend . The main advantage of this project is that it does not require any investment .

  15. CryptoHuge is a modern company for developing cloud computing and investment opportunities, giving people the opportunity to use the highest quality cryptocurrency mining with guaranteed profit. The company offers a rental service for the production of cryptocurrency using virtual servers.
    I earn more than a year for 2-3 thousand dollars a month. The project is working and really pays.

  16. I want to say a few words about the project ,the project will earn approximately from the end of may - beginning of June ,I honestly did not expect what I pay ,I invited the partners and as soon as he collected the$ 1000 immediately put on the output,and it's a month later, I did not come ,I decided to write to support,they told me to look information everything is written ,I saw in the Internet videos with the payment ,I decided to ask, or really is and he pays (because he did not believe and thought that full Scam ,but still the interest was there ) told me where I erred in the end I brought my$ 1000 ,and this error was very simple ,now I understand why many people can not withdraw.

  17. I'm delighted to have joined the ranks of the company "Cryptohuge"!!! Thanks to the company, life has become financially easier, it's true!!!!

  18. I'm delighted to have joined the ranks of the company "Cryptohuge"!!! Thanks to the company, life has become financially easier, it's true!!!!

  19. Hello all dear friends.Today I want to share with you my opinion about the project Cryptohuge. I saw the video on the Internet and decided to try . Earned $ 3000 in the project and put$ 1000 to withdraw funds .A month later I received a payment to my wallet.
